martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Day 4


The highlights:

1. Playing 1.5 hours of soccer with the boys at the hospicio. I am actually kinda ok at it =
 two goals! But that is against 3 foot tall boys and we are giants. But oh well.

2. Reuniting with Joseline!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so big (FAT!!!!!) and has long hair. She is talking some but still behind developmentally I think.

3. Cafe y pan in the afternoons.

4. HORCHATA today during lunch! (Courtney Reed!!!!!!)

5. Improving Spanish!

6. After dinner talks with my family. Over chess, weddings, religion, y todo.

things I am thinking about...

Charlotte or Dana said something about not being able to be ourselves when we can't speak the language. In the US I am silly, sarcastic, snarky, extroverted, etc. But here I am SOOO timida. Sarcasm is not accepted here. And I do not have the cutesy vocab to be bubbly. It's almost as if we lose a little bit of ourselves. Maybe that is what is alienating and scary. I think of so many great comments I want to say in English but than they do not translate.

Spanish is such a beautiful beautiful language.

And today I am content. Here the word for happy is 'contenta' which is so appropriate. I am happy and at peace. I am exhausted from chasing kids all day but I know it is ok. They remember me and all the nurses do too - everyone is so shocked by me returning. Nobody has come twice. I do think it means something. I hope so.

Today there was a march for HIV awareness. Afterwards we had songs and a small service and lit candles in memory of those who had died of HIV AIDS this year. It was beautiful. And kind of revolutionary because we proclaimed HIV in public in Guatemala. A very conservative Catholic country. A very taboo topic. We stood proud. It was awesome. I think I will process more later.

Day 3

Today was a great day. Gracias a Dios. No more loneliness like last time. I get to share my love for Guatemala with my friends. Today we had a beautiful time exploring Antigua and I think they love it and I dunno why I was so worried! I surprised myself by how much I remembered about getting around and different streets and businesses. We used the internet and bought cell phones and everything was without knowing the time (which I love). We had nowhere to be and no clue what time it was. Beautiful. There is something natural about eating when your stomach says to, getting up with the sun, and going to bed when the sun goes down. Tranquilo. There are moments when having no purpose is frustrating and makes you stir crazy, but here it is good.

Day 2

Day 2:

My spanish feels so smooth and natural. It is flowing well. Now that I have more confidence... which means I talk very fast and mess up lots. But I can see fluency within reach one day and it is SO EXCITING.

Here's what's hard. I have been reading Proverbs and really meditating on how good it is to listen more than you speak. But here I am chatting away in Spanish (to practice) but I also need to stop and learn how to have an ear for it. Is listening or blundering better for learning a language? No se.

I am glad I was taught to never interrupt. When I catch myself doing it here I am ashamed!

Explaining scholarships to my host family is so hard. There is no word for it in my dictionary and my family has no concept of it. I told them I received money so I could come back. I really wanted to tell them about Eve and how incredible she was and how I hope I can honor her memory. But I did not know how to say that in Spanish. I need a whole new dictionary to describe her! But anyway scholarships make me feel like a sugar mama, or make me feel wealthy. I try to explain need-based aid scholarships but I do not think they can understand because to them I am the richest person in the world. I could explain at-risk/low income but I do not think it would be that beneficial. All that matters is I am here and I am blessed.

Day 1

Day one:

Airports are so glamorous to me. Today I dressed like a bum but normally I dress up in my most expensive-looking (Old Navy) clothes. I always wanted to look rich because people who fly are rich. Or I thought it was only rich people. You can tell newbies from pros... pros who have flown their whole life sit back and relax and don't even pay attention to the safety video; they sit and chat about how this flight/plane compares to others. #casual. But I think I am still a newbie. I get all flustered and rushed at security and bite my nails during take-off. Silly me.

But airports are not just glam because of rich folks - it's because they are so diverse. You see so many people and hear languages. You see things that are not in Chapel Hill. A whole army battalion on their way to Iraq? Umm Chapel Hill is not so military supportive. How's that for making you think about politics and death and war? Airports remind me of how diverse North Carolina ISN'T.

I remember the social worker at the Durham VA always said how people think Durham is SOOOO diverse but it's not. He said he dealt with race and class at work all the time, and intervened on behalf of patients when other employees are oblivous to culture. He was from NYC.

Who would know I could ever have a reason to roll my eyes at NC?? Never knew I could love NC less but I guess each one has growing to do.

Day 1 night time:


1. I am laying in a bed I have slept in before. How cool is that? This room is kinda mine.

2. I have no idea what time it is when I am here. Am I going to bed at 7pm or 10pm? I dunno.

3. The first thing my host family said was "QUE GORDITA" as in... How fat you have gotten! Here it is kind of a compliment, meaning round or womanly or curvy. But they definitely spent 10 minutes on how much weight I had gained. lols.

4. Alex separated us 4 into 4 separate host families and I feel TERRIBLE. The girls are troopers though.

5. Anxious because I did not get to tell my family that I arrived safely. Do not worry family! #firstworldproblems

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Voy a fartar!

That is in reference to my lactose intolerance. Leche is everywhere here. I dunno how to warn my family in Spanish.

Anyways I am here safely. Sorry to my family for not contacting them until now. Communication is sketchy.

I am already having a beautiful time. It is so wonderful to have friends here. A pretty view is not as pretty when you have no one to share it with.

I am already surprised at the words and phrases I remember. I know fluency is closer than ever, but it still feels out of reach. How I long to be a bilingual nurse! But as my host father says, I need paciencia.

I am in the same bed, in my same room, with my same family. I have so many memories of being sad and lonely last summer. Although my times were great, the nights got lonely. And now I have amazing company to keep it with.

Today we are spending the afternoon in Antigua, the most beautiful city in the world.

Tomorrow we orient at the hospital. I long to see Rosalie again! (see posts below)

I have so much more to say, but only 2 minutes of internet. So, until next time!

I love you all. I am here because of you. Besitos!

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Take two!!!

Today at Chapel Hill Opthalmology I acquired new followers! Thanks ya'll for encouraging me by saying you wanted to follow my journey. In one week I will be flying out of RDU to Guatemala City. I am anxious and apprehensive, but SOOOO excited!

I will also be posting on for the scholarship. My posts will probably have the same content.

I will be back in one week!!