miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


Today, I ordered my first alcoholic drink in a restaurante. It was a sangria the size of TEXAS. i am not kidding, it was the size of a small watermelon. I could only drink a few sips. I had it in a Italian-Guatemala restaurante (HAHA) in Antigua. I had an incredible pizza with tomatoes and basil and it was SO good to have American food. Yes. I also rode the camioneta, which is a bus that is usually only used by Native Guatemalans not by turistas. It was scary, I was definitely one of the only chicas on the bus.

Notas Pequenitas:
-today i heard the loudest crack of lightning I have ever heard. even our waitress thought it was a bomb.
- My friend Connor is irish, and when I speak english with him I take up an irish accent. I think my head is very confused about what language I speak. I say things like "necesito una camiseta posh please". haha
-There are so many turistas in Antigua. It is easily the most famous city in Guatemala and it is only a bus ride away. It is cool because you will be in a tienda and hear french, german english and spanish.
-it is official. I SUCK at bardering. I will keep trying though.

Now I am going to walk home along the highway. Usually I stop at a small Comedor and buy jugo de naranja. It is SO good. I am already a regular at the store that sells chocolate. This weekend I plan to stay in my very first hostel, and then take a trip to a volcano that you can see inside! Next weekend I am going to Lake Atitlan which is supposed to be so cool. Pray for me porfavor. Feliz noche.

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