jueves, 7 de junio de 2012


We have a poster in the school with the steps of culture shock. I am finally at the end, I am home!

Last night my family made a very American meal. Grilled chicken, green beans with ajo (garlic) and carrots sauteed in cebollas (onions). My breath smelled terrible but my stomach was so happy. Wasting here feels AWFUL so i delight in finished my plate.

 Again last night they gathered around as i stumbled through getting in. They think I have such power.

I am biting my nails BADLY. mama and Peter would be so mad at me. Nothing has changed from the US except for in Guat I wash my hands before I bite them. I think I am just worrying alot about everyone. Today Kelsey and I did patient simulations in Spanish. She wants to work as a SALSA volunteer in SHAC, which means translating medical Spanish. It seems out of reach but I want it BADLY.

I cannot hear much through my bedroom wall. And my lack of Spanish impedes my eaves dropping skills ALOT. But I can hear two things clearly: Laughter and crying. Sometimes they blur together as I fall asleep. Last night it was tears. Here is how my mind wanders.....Possibility 1: Joseline is crying because the internet didn't work and she had homework due. Option 2- it's Jilmar. She is Nely's sister who lives with us. There is something sad about her. I do not know her past at all. I wonder if she has always been single. My mind always wonders to the civil war.

I ALWAYS finish my plte when we have panqueques for breakfast. Con miel.

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