viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011


I am happy today because I had an experience that confirmed that I have my footing. I have acquantainces! I neglected to tell my family and friends that I was actually coming to Guatemala alone. As in, there are no other volunteers here. I am most definitely the only foreigner in the town. But today, as a}I made my habitual walk down the highway, I was able to stop and chat (platicar) with THREE people. One was this old man who has a mustache and always wears a cowboy hat. Another was a lady who is always walking near me, she told me she likes my bolsa (charlotte :). Another is a group of women who are always strolling their strollers up the highway. I always exchange pleasantries, maybe kiss on the cheek, or a hug with these groups. I also always run into the ¨young men¨ of the town...who always know two or three words to chat me up. ¨hello chica¨ or *goodsbye* or *see you later* in broken english. It is very flattering.

Random notes:
- i am wearing my favorite outfit today. scrub pants, guatemalan soccer jersey, and chacos. Not sure if the marks on my feet are a chaco TAN or just dirt. I love how sparse the showers are here.
- i visited the clinic where i will be volunteering today. The social worker said *oh there was a group of nurses from your university a few months ago* ARE YOU KIDDING ME CAROLINA??????????????? WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT SOCIAL JUSTICE????????
-today i bought my textbooks for this fall, is it weird that my obsession with getting things done spills over into other countries?
- i had my first brush with death yesterday. aha. not really. but i came across the first truly henious bus driver. i am speaking in wacko words because there are ALOT of young chicos looking over my maybe they won[t understand if i use random words?? right? ok so i got on the bus and KNEW it was wack. There was a crucifix on the dashboard as usual....and those shapes of naked woman that soccer players always have on their clothes. The guy just looked pissed. He went maybe 55 MPH on these tiny skiny road around huge curves. I thought we may tip. I thought it was just me who was terrified until the old man next to met let out a little smile after the 20th time i had been thrown up against him. Playing *curves* you could say. Yesterday the buses were so crowded that both rides i sat in between two people, on a seat made for one.

I have compiled a list of things i-wish-i-would-have-known-before-i-got-here/Do not be surprised if this happens in Guatemala/things to know:
-If you are ever in a hurry, forget it. Guatemalans do not know how to hurry. there is no sidewalk passing, there is no short meal, there is no eat and go, there is no *excuse me i am in a hurry*.

-do not be surprised when there are guards with automatic guns outside tiendas. This is a normal security measure. I barely blink when I pass 1 foot from a machine gun.

-if you are the last one to get on a bus, you better have good footing and get a running start- cause they like to take of before you are in.

-if you see small trees are giant branches in the road, do not be alarmed, they are used instead of cones to show work zones or wrecks.

-gunshots are normal. most nights i am woken up by firecrackers.............or something.

-it is normal to see 10-20 skinny wandering dogs on your way to class. Nothing is spayed or nuetered everything multiplies. Dogs are literally everywhere you look. Yes inside stores and churches and restaurants.

-You HAVE to find is a tiny plastic bag with orange juice in it. Only 1 quetzal...or 5 cents. I buy it everyday on my way back from class.

-Everyone honks their horn, all day, every day, with no reason. To say hi, to say move over, to say I AM HERE, and most often with no reason.

-do not ever flush anything....if it is yellow let it mellow....if it is brown flush it down. if it is paper, throw it in the receptacle. Plumbing cannot accomodate TP.

-I took my first shower in a bucket. Yes.

-buy the PANQUEQUE mix here. It is my favorite food!!!! And the coffee here....well Guatemala practically INVENTED coffee!!!

Today was one of those rare mornings were there were no clouds. My walk down the busy road permitted me to see 3 giant volcanos. It is so so beautiful but also a frightening way to remember you are human.

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