viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

Just checking...


oops not supposed to be caps.

3 comentarios:

  1. Yes. don't be silly. you have a cyber stalker.

  2. uhhh marli eaton reads it like yknow ALL THE TIME. sounds amazing and i loved your rosalie entry, wow. brought my day to a halting stop so that i could appreciate her and appreciate what you're doing there. would love to hear more slash see pictures slash bask in your presence when you get back. keep it up guatemalteca

  3. jk just realized you're back.. i hadnt read in a while so i just caught up with your facebook etc. WELCOME BACK and i was in chile for a couple months this summer and while chile is a lot different than guatemala obviously, i did spend the first few weeks back in NC throwing my toilet paper in the trashcan instead of the toilet without thinking. wishing you mucha suerte with the re-entry, kiss kiss ciao ciao chickadee
